Thursday, May 3, 2012

Sick kids

Kids take being sick as a personal injustice against their playtime.  Adults on the other hand would relish a day to be sick and lie in bed all day.  I'm obviously not talking serious illness, I don't wish that on anyone.  If anyone reading this is sick then I wish you a very speedy recovery!
I'm sitting at home with an unhappy 3 year old boy who has a fever.  A fever is about the only thing that slows Little Dude down.  He has actually come to a complete stop as he is sprawled across me in a rocking chair. 
As a parent I am torn in how I should feel.  Every parent wishes that their child never gets ill, yes I'm including sniffles!  A sick child is just absolutely miserable.  They don't understand why they are sick, they just know that all of a sudden there bodies don't feel good and they can't play or get comfortable in any way.  Sweet Buddha sometimes they are just crabby too, oy the fits a child can have!  As a parent you feel absolutely helpless.
For those of us without medical degrees, we start looking up symptoms on WebMD or Google.  Never, ever do this!  A simple ingrown hair could be a broken arm to brain cancer, leave the diagnosis up to qualified people! 
Your asking, why should I feel torn?  Torn about what? 
When your child is sick, what do they do?  They come to you, on purpose, and want loves and cuddles. 
Princess has always been the hugging type, she is very much like her father.  When she's sick she just wants to lie beside you and bask in the nearness.  She will also want hugs every few minutes to feel better. 
Little Dude, on the other hand, is not much for constant hugging or cuddles.  He will participate in the good night or good bye hugs and kisses, but otherwise he is his own person.  He is a lot like me, unfortunately.  Yes, unfortunately.
Fortunately over 10 years with my husband and his constant hugging, I've been worn down, I actually enjoy and look forward to it.  Having kids has made the hugs even better.  How do you say "no" to unconditional love?  You don't!
So as Little Dude has finally made himself comfortable enough to sleep for a little bit, I'm torn between feeling bad because he's sick and enjoying this slice of affection that he doesn't normally dish out. 
I think I'm going to soak up the loves for now.  When he wakes up feeling better, I'll try to steal a few more hugs before he comes to his senses. 

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