Friday, May 18, 2012

Didn't Get the Memo

Our daughter's school and/or teacher is usually great about sending emails about school functions. So, I'm pretty sure this is one of the few emails I didn't bother to read. Oops.

Our morning routine of getting to school and walking towards the playground is going as planned. Princess has somehow conned her brother into carrying her school bag and lunch for her, which amazes me. We walk hand-in-hand towards her class line where Little Dude drops her stuff. As Little Dude takes this opportunity to jet quickly towards the playground, I notice some classmates dressed strangely. One child is wearing a "Transformers" costume and three other boys are wearing various baseball jerseys. Okay?

Princess turns to me and says, "Oh, no!  I forgot!" Dread fills my stomach with the knowledge that I forgot something for my daughter and now she will be an outcast. Yes, I tend to overreact (in my head) a lot.

"What did you forget?"
"Today is wear an er day."
"I'm sorry, wear what?"

Looking around, it dawns on me: "TransformER,"  baseball playER, ballERina, etc..

"Princess, I'm sorry! What do you want me to do?"
"It's okay mommy, I forgot to tell you yesterday."

Yep, that's my five year-old daughter telling that she is taking responsibility for something. Wow! I'm thinking to myself that I have the best daughter in the world, when a thought occurs to me...

"Hey, Princess! You are already dressed up. You dress up on a daily basis with an ER. You are a sistER and a daughtER."

The look of pride and excitement on Princess' face, amazed me. I probably would have told my mother she was lame. Hopefully, when I pick her up in an hour she will still be proud of herself.

Otherwise, if some kid made fun of her I will have to tell some child, "I'm sorry you had to dress up to feel special, and then ruin it for someone else. You know what? That makes you a losER, congratulations you are another ER person!"

I wouldn't really, but I'd sure think it!

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