Thursday, February 14, 2013

V is for Venting, not Valentine's Day

Yep, I said it! I don't like Valentine's Day, never have. Some part of me always felt it was a scam. Why do women only get one day a year to feel special? Don't even start in about it being a day for couples. You and I both know that's crap. Plus, I also hate that pink color that looks like's everywhere! Seeing the color makes me get that chalky Pepto taste in my mouth. (Yes, I have some issues.)

Then if you are one of the poor people who are single on this awful day, wow...don't you feel like the loneliest person in the world? Seriously, why do you need to feel this way? Why shouldn't you be treating yourself to fun things to begin with? Why do you need someone else to do it for you?!

Assuming you are in a relationship, or managed to snag some poor sucker on the way home from work, let's take a closer look.

Honestly, what does the guy get the girl?
Chocolates, candy, cookies, flowers, dinner, jewelry, lingerie, cruises (I may have some rich readers), movie, etc.

Now, what does the girl get the guy?
We can make dinner, because taking the guy out for dinner and paying would make the entire world uncomfortable, because we haven't gotten past that.

Yeah, I'm coming up blank on anything else.

Ooh! Cards, we can give them cards.  wow.

So, the guy is responsible for shelling out some serious dollars for one day, maybe even a few hours, in order to show affection.

I have several problems with this. Why does it only have to be Valentine's Day, why can't it be on a daily basis? Why do you have to spend hundreds of dollars to make someone feel special, when sometimes all it takes is just talking over dinner or going for a walk together?

I understand there are some women out there that need this holiday, because their man is not so romantic or in-touch with any remote kind of feelings. In this case, yes, you probably need this holiday. (If you are one of those guys reading my blog - Wow! Is she making your read this? Seriously, though, turn off the TV, do the dishes or something and go for a walk with her WEEKLY! Or at least start off monthly, then we'll go from there.) The other women who have decent guys who genuinely care and show their feelings, don't really need this holiday.

Oh yes, I have one of those decent guys. (Actually I have a great guy.) Maybe he is the reason I have come to terms with my hatred of this holiday. In the 11 years we have known each other, we have spent maybe 3 or 4 Valentine's Days the same house.

When we met he was in a ROTC program and worked a part-time job, I worked in a movie theatre. We barely saw each other when holidays were involved. Fast forward a few years, as an officer in the Navy he was underway or deployed most holidays.

During his shore duty we actually were a little confused as what to do with holidays. They didn't matter a whole lot to us, but now we have kids. Holidays became this mixture of confusion how to make it fun for the kids, but not go all nutso buying stuff.

Now Military Dad is back to sea duty and is on the other side of the US for school. Once again it is Valentine's Day and we aren't together. Most people are thinking, "Oh how sad!" I'm actually happy just because it seems this is our Valentine's Day celebration. We don't just refuse to celebrate it, he leaves the state entirely!

In my refusal to celebrate this holiday I have now come to a crossroads with the kids. They had to buy Valentines for their classmates this week. That is an entirely different story involving me almost crying as my kids fought over which princess or superhero was better. Now the random Pepto-colored or super hero cards are all labeled and delivered to their respective classes. Upon arrival at Princess' school, there were kids everywhere, literally (not figuratively) buzzing around with excitement. Seriously...buzzing.

I realized, when you are a kid and you have to buy a Valentine for every kid in your class, because every other kid in the class is doing the same, this holiday isn't so bad. It's when you leave that safety of forced gifts that it becomes messy. Elementary school is fun and safe. Middle school is hell, high school is basically the "Pit of Despair" and then you're on your own with some unreal expectations.

So I think for the few years my kids are in this fun/safe area I will allow myself to enjoy this holiday with them. It's basically a day they get stuff and lots of sugar, what's not to like as a kid? I still hate that Pepto-pink though. No amount of kid-induced happiness will ever change my loathing on that issue.

So to all the elementary kids reading my blog (please, let there not be any actually reading this - what is this world coming too?) Happy Valentine's Day!

To everyone else....take better care of yourself! Learn to love yourself, before you need someone else to show you love or attention.

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