I apologize for this post. I try very hard to keep this blog light and humorous. However after reading several social media sites and listening to people speak to each other, I'm really upset.
I'm not going to get into politics or religious beliefs, but I'm actually disgusted with our poor country.
After watching the election (before and after), I'm absolutely amazed with how people treat other human beings.
Whether you are happy or upset over who was or was not elected, is no excuse to post or say some of the things I've seen on social media sites..
What happened to the Golden Rule? How can you be the voice behind stopping kids from being bullied, when your own words and actions are hurtful?
Differences are supposed to be a good thing; that's what makes us stronger. The more ideas brought forward makes us stronger, better to defeat those who would do harm.
If we become a country where people are afraid to voice their ideas, we are no better than the countries that hate us.
People still try everything they can to come to our country due to the oppression they face in their homeland. Would you risk everything to come here to find out it's not that different? If this happens, we have truly lost our influence as a world power.
Please keep this in mind today and in the future: Your beliefs are YOURS, that is what makes you a special individual. Instead of trying to force others to believe what you believe, try listening and becoming educated about our differences.
Education is truly the most important weapon ever. Instead of trying to figure out who is right or wrong, why can't we sit down and have civilized conversations; we may actually learn something? We could actually find a middle ground that makes most everyone happy. Instead, we choose to label ourselves and further divide and alienate each other, in order to be right or better than others.
In the grand scheme of things, would you rather have people around you who support you, no matter what you believe and try to work together? Or would you rather be right (or think you are) and be completely alone?
Would you rather someone listen to your opinion and value you as an individual, or tell you that you are an idiot and yell at you, for no other reason than they believe something different?
Please be good to each other. Passion is a wonderful thing, however if you can't say or do something without being harmful: for the good of the country and the human race; just keep it to yourself!
Well said! The world will be a better place to live in.