Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Yay! We get to watch TV, it's not the weekend!

Sorry for no posts lately, we have been BUSY!

We moved into a new house and we are finally on the "other side" of unpacking, painting, etc. Due to the packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, cleaning frenzy that has been going on over the past month or so, my children have been allowed to watch way more television than normal. Yes, I'm one of those parents who don't allow their kids to watch too much television.

I'm also one of those parents that make their kids watch PBS or educational shows. Little Dude has enough problems trying to whack Princess with his Medieval Times sword, that I don't need him to get new ideas from Tom & Jerry or Looney Tunes. Plus some of these new cartoons...I just don't understand, they aren't funny to me or the kids, and who writes this stuff? Is there even a plot? What about character development?

To add to my TV restrictions, Military Dad and I both sit down to watch the shows with our kids, to ensure we know what they are watching.

I understand the need for a little down time where the kids are entertained for 30 minute sessions where you can check email, do dishes or even post on a blog. However, I have serious issues with leaving the television on all day instead of interacting with my own kids. Little Dude gets bored easily, so 1 or 2 shows is about his attention span, so the electronic babysitter isn't an option. Princess would sit in front of the TV the entire day, if allowed, she has what my parents have labelled, "Guy's Disease."

"Guy's Disease" is when a person (usually a guy, hence the name) can enter any place and situate themselves where they can see any TV. Then they have an inability to look away and carry on normal conversations with the people with them. Yes, I have this horrible trait and I evidently passed it on to Princess.

Anyway, Military Dad and I recently discussed the amount of TV we ALL have been watching recently and decided that since we live in California, there isn't really any reason to be inside that much. During the week, the kids get 2 shows each that they get to watch during the day, while Daddy is at work. Then on the weekends there is absolutely no TV, forcing us to go outside, enjoy the weather and do family stuff.

We started this new idea this weekend; the kids weren't too excited about it, but after spending a few hours at the beach, the kids didn't care so much.

After breakfast and some homemade Play-dough time, the kids decided since it was Tuesday AND a weekday, they would like to watch TV. "Mommy, can we PLEASE watch TV? It IS a weekday!"

After answering yes, I hear my kids singing: "Yay! We can watch TV! We can watch TV! It's not the weekend, we can watch TV!"

I had to laugh at their excitement, is TV really that exciting?  I guess, if you aren't allowed to do something all day, everyday, then it may be worth a song or two.

Well, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is over, so it's time to end my post for today. Plus I now have the "Hot Dog" song stuck in my head!

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