My husband began blogging before I did, so I will use his code names for us in my future posts.
My daughter, Princess, will be turning 6 in a few months and is definitely a princess. Our hope for a tomboy has been annihilated several times with her. She loves to go outside and play, she even gets so completely dirty, I honestly have no idea how she does it. It's what she goes outside to play in that we know we are in trouble. Skirts, dresses, tights, ballet slippers, costume jewelry, etc.
If she isn't dressed up to the nines, then she is playing "teacher" in the house. She sets up chairs and stuffed animals (sometimes her little brother) and will read to them all day. She even yells at them for talking during class or not sitting correctly.
My son, Little Dude, recently turned 3 and he is definitely all boy. He makes me very appreciative that my daughter is a princess as a balancing mechanism. If there is anything to climb, jump off of or destroy within a mile radius, he has already done it...twice. When he gets caught, he has this smile that will get him out of trouble every time. Later in life, I think it will actually get him into trouble too!
He is called Little Dude due to the fact that he has always been little. We were worried for several years because he just wouldn't cooperate with the growth and weight charts. We finally realized that he just has this energy level that will not allow him to put on any fat. This little guy actually has muscle mass on his arms! I believe that he is just stubborn enough, that he allows his body to grow when he decides it's a good idea.
My husband's name is Military Dad, because he is a LT in the US Navy, and well...because he's a father. His code name is pretty simple.
My name on his blog for me is CinC House. The CinC (pronounced sync) stands for Commander in Chief, and obviously outranks him. I'm obviously not THE Commander in Chief, so for clarification purposes we added the House designation. It's actually more of a fun way to say I'm the bossy one.
I am currently a stay-at-home mom. I did work during the first year with Princess, but we found that it was sadly cheaper for me to stay at home than work & pay for daycare. Now, I'm finding I like it. I come from a career family, meaning both of my parents worked. They did not have a choice to stay home as I do, so I grew up with that mindset.
Now picture yourself with this mindset, then marry a military person, where you are required to move every 2-4 years, while having your spouse gone for 2/3 of that time. For those of you who don't know, it wreaks havoc on everything. So I decided it was easier to screw the career; I have a full-time job being a mom AND keeping myself sane (mostly).
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