Normally we decorate the tree and put up decorations around the house. Normally we make a chain that counts down the days until Christmas.
Not this year.
We have a kitten in the house. Loki became a part of our family in October. He is a furry little ball of energy, packed with some Siamese attitude. He rolls around on the floor with our 4 year old Rat Terrier like they are siblings. He has firmly entrenched himself in this family.
The only exception being our 10 year old cat, Chu. (She has a Fu Man Chu white marking on her face, Chu sounded feminine). She is starting to not hiss at him after 2 months...slowly, but surely she may accept him.
When a kitten comes into your house, there is really nothing that is off limits to them. On that note, we completely forgot about Christmas decorations and the tree.
He loves to climb the tree. He loves to chew on the light-bulbs. He loves to lay on the branches in the middle of the tree. (All that fluffing I did to the branches....erased, but only in the middle.)
Our plan was to put the tree out to give him a few days to get used to it. After a couple of days we would put decorations on. In other words, we would decorate the tree after he stopped playing in the tree.
Since this is evidently not going to happen, we decided to make destructible ornaments. The kids and I made salt flour decorations and plan on decorating them this week. If they break, it won't bother us as much as losing those ornaments that are loaded with memories.
SO back to the car and the discussion about ornaments...
Princess is silent for awhile. I assume she is getting depressed about everything we haven't done. I couldn't be more wrong. She starts this conversation:
P - Mom, what are cats afraid of?
M - (due to the conversation switch, I was momentarily stumped) Depends on the cat, I guess.
P - What are Siamese afraid of?
M - It isn't the type of cat. Some cats are afraid of dogs, but Loki isn't. It really depends on the cat. Loki isn't afraid of much.
P - He's afraid of Chu.
M - Yes, he is afraid of Chu.
P - Can we paint the ornaments to look like Chu?
M - (this is her tying the whole conversation together, but I get lost) Um....that might be a little more detail than I was planning on.
P - If we make the tree look like Chu, or have Chu faces all over, won't Loki be afraid of the tree?
M - (me laughing out loud, because my daughter is a freaking genius) Princess that is a wonderful idea!
Little Dude - Can't we just print out pictures of Chu and still paint the ornaments?
At this point, I am so proud of my kids! Not only did they come up with a wonderful plan for the cat to leave the tree alone, but they have a very sick sense of humor. I love it. I am so proud at this point, that I'm not even going to inform them on how animals can't see 2D images very well, so Loki won't be able to see the image of Chu.
If we actually do decorate our tree with Chu images, I will have to post a picture later. Some will think of this as a weird tribute to a cat with serious attitude. We will know that it is in fact a way for my kids to scare the crap out of the kitten, in order to salvage some Christmas decorations! I love my kids!